Occam’s Razor

(This will hang with “Today I Shaved”  & a 3 part mixed media fabric installation to illustrate both. Planning to add a metal component as I was recently offered basic welding/metal sculpting instruction through a friend. I intend to forge a large Razor to bridge the distance between the life-sized artwork illustrating the first portion of the poem with the artwork portraying the last few lines.)

Still in need of old knotted ropes & anchors for this project.

It was all she could see through swollen eyes.

Hazy thoughts held onto what it offered.


Her outstretched fingers reaching…

Hope had long ago fled for surviving intact.

The promise the razor whispered of

Pulsed in her loud, like music.

A chant of determination

Focused her attention to a pinpoint.

Thick heavy ropes,

Braided over each moment of her childhood,

Held her tightly bound in painful knots.

Each anchoring strand

Engraved with memories.

Only her swollen eyes


Outstretched fingers

Could be seen

Underneath the mound of misery.

Still she struggled.


Her sigh of near defeat released just enough breath

To finally wiggle within reach of the razor.

In the name of love,

She had allowed each new binding.

To protect the flesh of her blood kin

She had been willing to shed her own.

Long after they had flown away,

She finally realized the only one left to protect was herself.

They told her she was broken.

She thought they were right.

The razor was within her grip.

She licked a tear to moisten her tongue,

Cried out, & slashed deeply.

As the weight left her body,

Her soul rejoiced in relief at the release.

They looked on expecting death…

Her naked, raw, emotional dancing shocked them instead!

By: Carina Seastar

Author: Carina

@Zp!R1Ng eXpREss!VE ArTZ Ther@p1ZT on A hE@L!NG J0uRNEy of My 0//n.... I"LL Sh@RE ; !FFFFFF U C@rE 2 KEEp w@TCh 0VEr 0Ur C0mmUNiTY!!!! 4 uS @LLLLLLLLLLL }{

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